Valentines for Vets
The Cape Cod Branch of the National League of American Pen Women (NLAPW) is sponsoring a day for creating “Valentines for Vets” on Saturday, January 30, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Falmouth Artists Guild, 137 Gifford ST., Falmouth.
An open invitation is extended for four hours to anyone who might like to join in the creative fun. Cards will be included in boxes mailed to troops through “Cape Cod Cares for the Troops” in time for the holiday.
Many soldiers never receive letters or cards from home. This will bring a smile to many who serve their country across the globe. Come join us for the day or just drop in – be a patriot for four hours!
For those coming for the day, bring a box lunch. Drinks and desserts will be provided by the Pen Women. You may also bring items to share for making the valentines. Bring a friend – work as a team.
Three prizes will be awarded for:
- The team that creates the most valentines in the day
- The most creative and the prettiest valentine
- The Popular Choice
“Valentines for Vets” is the most recent outreach program of the Cape Cod Branch of the NLAPW. President of the group is Suzanne Packer of Bass River. Chairman of the event is Christina Laurie of West Falmouth.
The National League of American Pen Women is a national group of professional women artists, writers and musicians, whose headquarters is in Washington, DC. The Cape Cod Branch has 43 members and welcomes more.
Membership information will be available at the Falmouth Artists Guild.